Rainbow Bouquet
Rainbow Bouquet
Unleash a kaleidoscope of joy with our Rainbow Bouquet, a vibrant celebration of hues that captures the essence of a joyous rainbow in full bloom. This vivid arrangement is a patchwork quilt of florals, meticulously selected to bring an explosion of color into your life or the life of your treasured recipient.
The Rainbow Bouquet is a harmonious medley of blooms where each flower contributes its unique shade to this spectrum of beauty. Radiant reds, sunny yellows, oceanic blues, and passionate purples come together in a symphony of natural splendor. Lively gerberas, romantic roses, and charming chrysanthemums all play their part in this floral festival.
Encased in a soft pink wrap and adorned with an elegant black ribbon, this bouquet is more than just a collection of flowers; it's a dynamic expression of happiness, diversity, and the perfect harmony of nature's palette. Our iconic "It's Always Spring" seal stands as a guarantee of freshness, ensuring that this bouquet is as enduring as it is enchanting.
Whether it's to celebrate a birthday, a new beginning, or to simply spread unbridled joy, the Rainbow Bouquet is an impeccable choice. Offer someone the gift of a rainbow that never fades and watch as their day is brightened with every shade under the sun.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
- Transfer these flowers to a vase, use room temperature water, and change it every two days.
- Trim at least a half inch of stem off your flowers at an angle before you put them in a vase and each time you change the water.
- Use sharp scissors when cutting to prevent damage to the tissue/cell at the end of the stem.
- Keep your flowers away from heat and bright light.
- Avoid sitting your flowers beside ripening fruit or vegetables, especially bananas and apples.
- After enjoying your flowers, carefully wash the vase with hot soapy water.