An exquisite bouquet of spray roses, highlighting serene whites. Crafted with the freshest roses, it’s the ideal bunch for your loved ones.
Burlap bouquets are our signature pieces focusing on eco-friendly products and reducing the paper waste that bouquets can create. We are playing our role in saving the planet by taking crucial steps and helping our clients to do so, too.
The flower arrangement is ideal to go in a vase and will bloom into a fuller look, bringing representation and joy to any corner.
Utmost care is taken during the delivery process to ensure you receive the freshest stems. You can find out more about how to care for the flowers on our care page.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
- Transfer these flowers to a vase, use room temperature water, and change it every two days.
- Trim at least a half inch of stem off your flowers at an angle before you put them in a vase and each time you change the water.
- Use sharp scissors when cutting to prevent damage to the tissue/cell at the end of the stem.
- Keep your flowers away from heat and bright light.
- Avoid sitting your flowers beside ripening fruit or vegetables, especially bananas and apples.
- After enjoying your flowers, carefully wash the vase with hot soapy water.